Personal branding
Personal branding
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos described corporate brands as “What people say about you when you’re not in the room.” If you were a brand, what would its promise be? What could people expect from you? What behaviours would strengthen or weaken your brand?
This is not about polishing up your online persona. It’s about understanding the very core of you and managing how your promise and behaviours are seen externally.
Personal branding is a highly popular offering within Rob’s coaching practice. Combining his brand-building and coaching skills, clients are encouraged to see themselves as a brand, mapping brand promise and brand attributes against their values as a person. Working with an occupational psychologist, Rob is able to identify gaps between how an individual is viewed at work and how they perceive themselves. His modular approach to coaching once the brand is established looks at behaviours that may strengthen or weaken the brand in a variety of business environments.
Three phased approach:
1. How you’re seen
Rob helps his clients build an unvarnished picture of their true image – how they are perceived by others. Rob uses:
- Review of 360 degree feedback
- Interviews with key colleagues (if desired)
- Face-to-face coaching
2. Who you are
It’s pointless trying to be someone you are not. Coaching sessions, psychometric testing and time with psychologist Adrian Bassett will help create a personal brand that helps clarify the executive’s:
- Core values
- Differentiating attributes
- Brand promise – what others can expect
3. What you do
Your brand can guide behaviours that deliver against the expectations you have set. Modular sessions draw on Rob’s decade of 360° branding at Ogilvy PR, strengthening the brand at every touchpoint:
- Presenting (small or large groups)
- Persuading (media, customers, colleagues)
- Managing (both upwards and downwards)
- Presence (making an impact in person and online)
- Conflict (behaviours leading to better outcomes)
- Confidence (building and showing it)

Mutual commitment to measurable value:
Every programme is tailored to the individual with agreed measures to ensure value is delivered. Getting there takes time, focus and energy from both sides.
Meet psychologist, Adrian Bassett
Rob partners with Adrian Bassett, a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Pre-coaching assessment
- An in-depth interactive two-hour 1:1 pre-coaching session to build greater awareness of personal leadership strengths and potential risks.
- Supported by market leading psychometric profiling.
Developmental 360° feedback
- Captured from online questionnaires with quantitative ratings against organisational competencies and qualitative comments.
- 1:1 feedback session with Adrian explores themes in the feedback and constructively challenges viewpoints.
Team workshop
- Psychometric profiling completed by teams provides Rob with a map of preferred behaviours and personality types.
- Builds awareness of the impact on team performance and identifies opportunities for improvement.

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