individual & group coaching
individual & group coaching
Rob works with senior executives across a range of industries and professions, helping them achieve their potential. He also supports management groups, helping them work more effectively together. Personal branding is a very popular offering within Rob’s coaching practice, combining his brand-building and coaching skills. Clients are encouraged to see themselves as a brand, mapping brand promise and brand attributes against their values as a person.
Rob’s coaching style is relaxed and enjoyable both in person and over video conference. While Rob is based in Kent (UK) his coaching clients can be found in the UK, Europe and US.
Rob’s business background is in communications having spent ten years with Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide where he was Managing Director of Europe, Middle East and Africa. In late 2004 he set up Shimmin Communications, a consultancy focused on building and protecting global brands both in good times and times of crisis.

Individual Coaching
Rob coaches senior business executives from the UK, US and Europe with a mixture of face-to-face and video link coaching sessions. With their permission, he will capture what’s discussed and feed it back to them via a post session document. Where appropriate and requested, he will supplement this document with observations and relevant learnings from his own career counselling businesses from Ogilvy PR and Shimmin Communications.
Rob’s coaching equips his clients with the tools to make better career decisions and build real-time awareness of their behaviours and how they are perceived by others. The aim is happier, more productive and successful executives.
A typical six month coaching relationship
One initial 3-4 hour face-to-face session
• Assess needs and goals
• Establish measurement/success factors
Four 2 hour face-to-face sessions
• Pre-session prep/review of progress
• Post-session follow-up document
Four 60-90 minute video sessions
• Post-session follow-up document
Open access to Rob between sessions
• Rob aims for contact every 3 weeks at a minimum
• Alternating between ‘in person’ and video sessions
Group Coaching
Rob regularly works with psychologist Adrian Bassett to help members of a management team better understand each other’s personality styles and communications preferences. The result is a team with clearer shared objectives and enhanced working relationships.
A typical group coaching assignment
• Rob works with the groups leadership to understand any issues and challenges
• He engages psychologist Adrian Bassett to provide a programme of psychometric testing for each group member which is reported back to them individually via Adrian
• Adrian provides a ‘map’ of preferences and profiles that offers insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the group.
The session
• Usually conducted over a day, Rob leads a programme designed to help group members understand how to work with each other more effectively
• It highlights personalities and how they like to give and receive information
• Rob’s stop/start/continue analysis builds buy-in for the way forward towards a more cohesive and productive group
• Often, Adrian Bassett will also attend to provide deeper insight into the findings of the psychometric testing
• Sessions are managed carefully to surface further challenges and build consensus for a workable approach to besting them
• Rob will provide his client with a detailed follow-up document with recommendations to sustain the momentum towards a more cohesive and productive group.
Personal Branding
Personal branding is a very popular offering within Rob’s coaching practice, combining his brand-building and coaching skills. Clients are encouraged to see themselves as a brand, mapping brand promise and brand attributes against their values as a person.
Working with psychologist Adrian Bassett, Rob is able to identify gaps between how an individual is viewed at work and how they perceive themselves. His modular approach to coaching once the brand is established looks at behaviours that may strengthen or weaken the brand in a variety of business environments.
Adrian Basset, Psychologist
Rob partners with Adrian Bassett, a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Pre-coaching assessment
- An in-depth interactive two-hour 1:1 pre-coaching session to build greater awareness of personal leadership strengths and potential risks.
- Supported by market leading psychometric profiling.
- Adrian will spend two hours with personal branding clients to debrief on the findings of the psychometric testing.
- He will also meet with Rob to discuss the findings of the psychometric testing and the post-testing discussion with the client. This input is invaluable to Rob in building the personal brand. He will also meet with Rob to discuss the findings of the psychometric testing and the post-testing discussion with the client. This input is invaluable to Rob in building the personal brand.

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