“Rob is a first-class media trainer and communications coach. Since 2002, he has helped DuPont in projects related with both building brand strength, and protecting and defending the company’s reputation. His solid communications background, together with a strong understanding of how the business world works, makes him one of the most valued advisors for our communications capability and staff. I can certainly recommend him for any situation involving stakeholder engagement, brand protection and issues or crisis management”
Eduardo Menchaca.
Director of Corporate Communications, DuPont Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Feedback from DuPont training sessions:
Very good, as always
Oriol Rofes
Well balanced, good
Yuet foo
Thanks a lot. It was very important for me to keep your smile. Very good tool for communication and we are happy to work with you.
Gaelle Augory
Very good. Thanks Rob for your training. Size of the group was very good and everyone could ask you questions.
Frederique Favier
Open atmosphere, good feedback
Ronald Den Boef
Great session. Good role play
Andreas Fries
Very well prepared! Appreciate this training which is very professional. Role play helped a lot!
Tara Veit
Elaina Harvey
George Farenden
Was very good in more detail information of news, changes and arguments to use in customer discussions
Juergen Klotz
Very good, gives you confidence. Very happy.
Gebhard Szimeth
Very engaging, on topic and relevant to our needs
Defne Saral

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