Message Development
Strong and consistent messages carry a brand’s promise. It’s easy for them to become diluted or fractionally misaligned as your business environment changes. Shimmin Communications has a strong track record of developing powerful and salient messages in an accessible and clear format to guide all who represent the brand.
Message review
A process to sharpen messages, reflecting on changes in the business environment. Be they driven by acquisition, growth, new markets or fierce competition, Rob will work with communication directors and the board to arrive at consensus on updated messages.
Facilitated messaging day
The path to strong new messaging usually starts with a desk-based review and can then migrate to a facilitated half or full day messaging session. There are a number of benefits in gathering colleagues to debate and agree on messages. You get a richer dialogue leading to stronger messages and perhaps most importantly, key stakeholders leave feeling ‘bought-in’ and engaged with the new direction.
The deliverable is a clear set of messages, an elevator pitch and a narrative telling the story of the brand.

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